Tag Archives: Kim

2018 Storms

January 10, 2018, from Kim: Perhaps some of you have been wondering how things are in Santa Barbara, after our most recent blow from Mother Nature.  Here in downtown Santa Barbara all is fine but not so for Montecito.  

I finally spoke with my daughter a little while ago.  They were marooned with no electricity, water or gas on Toro Canyon. All utility connections are just hanging in the air!   They are all okay though and managed to sneak out by all sorts of devious routes which took them 2 hours and are now staying at a local hotel!   Kirsten’s last home (along with several others)  on Glen Oaks was evidently also swept away by mud and  her next door neighbor is missing, presumed dead.  Her son was on Good Morning America this morning and said as much.  Her husband and daughter were able to be rescued from the roof.  Ironically, the home Kir and Darrell owned before has also been destroyed though both are in areas normally considered safe.   She tells me that even what you see on the news can’t adequately describe how really horrible it is.   Many of their friends who have lost everything don’t have flood insurance so they are hoping that the insurance commissioner will declare that this is all tied to the fire  (which of course it is!) and therefore should be covered by their fire insurance.  

I also just heard from a friend from the hills of Montecito whose house burned because of gas explosion next door!  They fortunately had evacuated the night before.

Please keep us in your prayers!


Jan 10:  Your report is vivid and grim. I’m so sorry to hear that your daughter is going through such trauma. I hope your loved ones stay safe. I am holding all of the people suffering so much in my thoughts.  Sandy
(Sandy Iger Kohler)

Jan 10:  Oh, Kim.  How dreadful.  I am grateful that you and your family are safe.  Indeed, our prayers are with you.  Marian

Jan 10:  My prayers are with you, your daughter and her neighbors. Jennifer

Jan 11:    Oh, Kim!  Thank God your daughter and family are OK.  Frannie Blair

Jan 11:   I too am so thankful that your family is safe and know that my prayers are with you and all in the devastated community.  Hugs, Ding

Jan 11:  seconding all the earlier thoughts on Kim’s report – we talked to our daughter in Goleta night before last.  She and her family are safe but thoroughly shaken up this 2nd disaster.  She pointed out that with all the horror of the recent fires, just 2 people (one a fire fighter) have been reported dead, while the reports of Montecito are 15 and still counting – glad you and you’re family escaped Kim – amy

Jan 11:  Have been thinking of you and your family Kim.   When will we ever learn!   We are all here working on sustainable energy locally, but it is a true travesty that our government has pulled out of working on climate change globally.  The Chinese will rule!   Betsy

Jan 11:  I’m one of many I’m sure, who have been worrying, Kim. Sudden shocks like these so hard on the whole community. Finding heart to begin cleanup and rebuilding, never mind mourning the many lost, is heartbreakingly hard. Best done in community. I remember that from Hurricane Andrew. Love Dottie

Jan 11:  What a shock for us all in southern California – I never realized the terrible force of mud after a fire.  I was thinking of you, and am very glad to hear all are OK, but so many are not.  Climate change is real and it’s here for us!  Dee

Jan 11:  Kim, I am so sorry for all the troubles your family and friends are facing.  Hoping insurance will cover some of the damage. Nancy Cox

Jan 11:  Thinking of you, Kim, because I am so sorry for what your family is having to go through.  With the continuing denials of climate change, it just gets me angrier and angrier.  Love and hugs.   xx Liz

Jan 11:  If only words could provide instant healing.  I’m sending mine in the hopes that you and your daughter, as well as your communities, can get through this horrendous ordeal.  Thinking of you and yours with hope.  Fondly, Liz T.

Jan 12:  Sending more love and hugs your way, in the wake of this latest devastation.  So glad for Kirsten’s family’s safety, and for yours, of course.  The Golden State can be both beautiful and unforgiving.  (My daughter was at UC Santa Cruz during the Loma Prieta earthquake which had such lasting effects in SC and throughout the Bay Area while we were living there.)  The Montecito TV visuals are indeed grim.  Prayers for relief and recovery for all…  Love, Rocki 

Jan 12:  I’m heartbroken at this devastation.  Sending love and prayers.
Barbara Freeman Douglass

Kim Kimball Holmquist in Sound of Music, spring 2013

Had a great 2 month run as the Mother Abbess (Rev Mo, as the cast called me!) at the Candlelight Pavilion in Claremont, CA.  Best cast I’ve ever worked with so I felt very blessed.