Tag Archives: E.D.

Dottie’s Journey

Dottie Smith Mann, on July 12, sent this to the email chat group, and I asked if I could post it here.  Thanks, Dottie, for sharing this.

“Yesterday I took ownership of E.D.’s IMac computer, the bigscreen one he bought not long after we moved to Ormond. It felt momentous to me, to change over name and passwords, but most of all to go thru all the files in documents, desktop and downloads that he had placed there over the years.  I could see him sitting in his corner of our office for so many hours but I didn’t know until yesterday the details of what he was doing.  So orderly.  So varied in interests.  So serious one time as he organized finances or UU projects, so funny and quirky the next collecting jokes, music, poems.  At the kind suggestion of an Apple guy, I made three files, Keep, Maybe and Trash.  Then for two hours I revisited E.D.’s occupations, preoccupations, fascinations, impulses and whimsies.  It was sad, hard, funny, surprising.  Significant.  Three different guys from the Genius Bar kept me going,