Jan ’18 Book Posts

From Judy Kennedy:  Read a lot of good books while south of Trump’s wall, the best of which was MSNBC’s Chris Mathews’ new biography of BOBBY KENNEDY.  The good news is that it made me feel a tad better  — but only a tad — about the current political situation in Washington DC.  We’ve lived through very troubling, difficult times before as this book reminds, and survived.  Yet that’s the bad news too, as we don’t seem to learn much from our past experiences.

From Dee:  I loved A Gentleman in Moscow last summer (really delightful book about a count who is sentenced to house arrest in the poshest hotel in Moscow in the 1920s, and his life there), and right now am reading books for our upcoming Literary Women authors festival – so far, I liked To the Bright Edge of the World, by Eowyn Ivey (Alaska expedition in the 19th century),  History of Wolves, by Emily Fridlund, and Rise of the Rocket Girls, about the women computers at the Jet Propulsion Lab, and their role in space exploration.  

From Rocki:  One of my book groups is about to discuss The Last Days of Night, by Graham Moore, an (ahem) ‘electrifying’ account of the battle between George Westinghouse and Thomas Edison to take credit for inventing the lightbulb and controlling its future.  Nicola Tesla is a key eccentric character.  Very readable!

From Betsy:  We are discussing The Little Paris Book Shop, which is a great book..especially if you love France!

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