Judy Kennedy is always sending wonderful “stuff”, and she’s at it again.
Click, listen and smile.
And of course, then came flooding in the responses:
- 9:50 am. As always, thanks, Judy, for lifting our spirits, and as always, I’m having more problems with the web site. LOTS of time to battle. Ha ha ha. xxxLiz WF
- Thank you Judy! Cindy Dennett Yee
- 1:54. I loved the variety of singers and instrumentalistsI have shared this with my sister, class of ’52. Betsy
- 2:38 pm. And what about the incredible editing job! Amazing. I’m sharing it with my musician grandson who in addition to his guitar and piano, is playing his trumpet again while in quarantine. Music definitely heals us! Cheers Kim
- 4:38. Hi All, Just a gentle reminder to please sign your full name on each of your messages. Chins up! All of them! We “Uncommon Women” will not only survive, but thrive. To change or add a new email please contact me. Carol Sweeney Benson, MHC61 Chat list manager, 61carolbenson@gmail.com
- 7:35 pm. I forgot. My apologies. My sister Mimi Lezenby is class of ’52. My deceased sister Phyllis Anne was class of ’50.
Jennifer Bagster-Collins Seaver
- 8:14 pm. Thank you SO much, Judy- much more fun than sitting in front of the TV and hearing more bad news! Amy L
- 12:08. And Chris, it seems like the time to hear a new COVID piece from Noor? She must be busy at work composing for all of us fans. Liz Webfoot