Category Archives: The Arts

Kim Sings Bernstein

Here’s the video and program for Kim Holmquists’s Bernstein concert at the Santa Babara Public Library in early March.  She is still astonishingly good, seems to get better every year.  Bravo and thanks, Kim.  What a fabulous concert!

 I Hate Music! A cycle of 5 kid Songs.  Bernstein wrote both music and lyrics shortly after graduation from Harvard.  

What a Movie!, from Trouble in Tahiti, a one act opera in 7 scenes about a troubled marriage in suburbia.  Dinah goes to see one of those potboiler South Sea Island movies but gets caught up in the romance.  Bernstein wrote both music and lyrics. 

 I Am Easily Assimilated from Candide.  Though there are many lyricists for Candide, Bernstein himself wrote these lyrics.

Myra Small Sings

From Myra Small:  “Singing in the Tel Aviv Philharmonic Choir means learning, sharing, and enjoying quantities of beautiful music, laughing with friends, overcoming challenges, and even preserving sanity in difficult times.  A few of our many performances are available on YouTube or Facebook including:

Thanks so much for sharing with us, Myra!

New Poems from Sandy

Below is a link to three poems recently published online.  Thanks, Sandy.  We are always so very proud of you.

Kim’s Santa Barbara Music Program

In May 2017 Kim Kimball Holmquist sang a beautiful program at the Faulkner Library in Santa Barbara.  It is always astonishing to hear her amazing singing.  Enjoy the show!

Program and Translations


Ceramic Turtles

Hooray, I finally painted the ceramic turtles I made in 2013.  That’s FOUR YEARS!  Soon they will be on a fence in the back yard.  Oh joy oh joy!  I am completely in love with them. The mother’s name is “Mural” (in Baltimore that is pronounced “Muriel”).  The son is “Monty”, named for Club Monterey, kid’s nickname for our house on Monterey Avenue.  They are sitting on the kitchen table which I designed and which Bryan and I painted.

Sue Carr’s Milkweed Photograph

Sue loves her camera, and here’s a photo of what all the monarch butterflies love, the milkweed.  I (Liz Webfoot) miss the milkweed here in Annapolis, MD.


Dottie Shares

ROCKPORT JULY 1, by Dottie Smith Mann

Slow sad tears of resignation

Once and again and again the solitaire reminds me
Doing the right thing does not always get a good result
Sometimes the game is lost even when it begins well
And there are good moments
But finally
“There are no more valid moves.”

The eight year old within cries softly
“But I did the right things, why can’t I win?
I love him so, we play so well together, he makes me laugh.”

I hold  her in my soft soft arms and kiss her soggy face.
We look to the blue June sky, the perfect Rockport day,
And vow to make it ours… All the joy and rapture
All the beauty of sea and sky and summer flowers
All that is more incredibly wonderful
Because it will not last.

I take her hand and walk the Lane eastward
Toward the sea.

Listen to Kim!

There was a video of this beautiful program which is listed below, but the video was defective and we’ll have to be satisfied with just the audio.  Congratulations, Kim!  How beautiful.



Four Mexican Songs
To Huey Tlahhtzin Cuahtemoc (sung in Nahuatl)   Salvador Moreno, 1919-1999
      Followers come to pay tribute but when they arrive, the last king of the Aztecs has died.
Caminante del Mayab                   Guty Cardenas (1905-1932)
      Mayans follow in the pathways of their ancestors
Cancion de Cuna a Patricia                                    Jose Sabre Maroquin  (1909-1995)
      My little baby is falling asleep.  Stars and birds are there, but she doesn’t need any of them.
Aleluya                                                                    Manuel M. Ponce (1882-1948)
      My love is mine and I am his.  All is beautiful.  Alleluia!
Four American Folk Songs   — Arr.  by Aaron Copland (1900-1990)
      Boatman’s Dance
      Simple Gifts
      Long Time Ago

      I Bought Me a Cat  

Sandy Kohler again and again

ON TIME — April 1, 2016, by Sandra Kohler

Where did the morning go? The morning
went where it was supposed to, a child
obediently lining up in the schoolyard,
a car nosing into changed lane patterns,
falling water coursing down a hillside,
over stone, bony outcroppings, rich soil
inscribed by its vein of icy brilliance.
Writing to a friend, I tell her I keep circling
around and around death, my husband’s,
mine, stopping, resting, temporarily landing
in different places. Like the leaf I see today
in the yard, a single yellow leaf, floating
down like a parachute from high in one
treetop, a comma of a leaf, a comment.
In the three years and three months of
my grandchildren’s lives, time has created
two consciousnesses, two new worlds.
Still, the being each child was a year ago
is already lost, vanished. Ruthless and
slaying, time destroys these children,
recreates them, tender and growing.

Sandra Kohler’s third collection of poems, Improbable Music, (Word Press) appeared in May 2011. Earlier collections are The Country of Women (Calyx, 1995) and The Ceremonies of Longing (University of Pittsburgh Press, 2003). Her poems have appeared recently in Beloit Poetry Journal, Notre Dame Review, Damfino, and Clementine Poetry Journal.

Sue Wheatley Carr’s Animal Photos

( Editor:  Oh how terrific!)   Enjoy a laugh!