Category Archives: Grandchildren Successes!

Sue Carr’s Amanda

From Sue Wheatley Carr, August, 2022:  My daughter and her 4 year old daughter Alma have been in Brewster all summer which has been superb…but when they leave on Monday, I will have a little more time to relax.

Alma’s helping me put my underwear out to dry.
(Editor’s note:  I’d love having Alma around to help me!)

Anastasia is Growing Up!

April, 2021, from Sarah Stearns Sullivan:
More bragging rights—granddaughter Anastasia at end of year recital for Jacobs School of Music at Indiana U.  Just finishing sophomore year.  Too bad about the mask, but apparently required!  The voice shines through!  Sally Stearns Gipson

Editor’s note:  We all were lucky to hear Anastasia sing when she was in high school two years ago.  It’s fun for us to get to watch her grow and enjoy her progress.  

Noor Hila Head in the Clouds

Hope you will all be patient with my grandmother pride.  If you use Spotify or Youtube check them out for my granddaughter’s EP album : Noor Hila Head in the Clouds.  She did it all herself. Composition, Performance, Production, Piano, Voice etc.  

From Liz Webfoot: You can listen to one track or all 6.   Listen

She still loves MHC and may end up there (two more years to go in High School)
Happy Holidays to all. Christina Hollister Hila 

Chris Hollister Hila

June 2019 “…. I proclaim my bragging rights. My granddaughter Noor continues to write and perform her own brand and finally one song, on youtube, is here for all to love or not as you please. She is so fond of all of you she met at last reunion.

Sally Stearns Gipson

June, 2019  “… my granddaughter, Anastasia Sullivan.  This was recorded at an Indianapolis Children’s Choir performance recently.  Ana has sung in age-appropriate groups within this Choir since she was 8; it’s a wonderful organization.  This was her last concert since she has now graduated.  Editor’s note:  How beautiful!  Thank you, Sally, for sharing this with us.

Liz’s Grandson Juggles!

Here’s a test of my ability to put a video on the website — my grandson Hugo who is 14 and lives in Paris.  I gave him juggling balls for Christmas.  I can’t figure out how to center it, but enjoy!

IMG_4980 from Elizabeth Barrett on Vimeo.