PHOTOS: You can click on a photo or graphic for an enlargement. Sometimes another click will enlarge that detail even more. TO EXIT: Click the little “X” in top right corner to exit/get out.
LINKS: A blue underlined word or words is a connection to another place, called a “link.” For example, a blue and underlined Liz is a link to your mail service. Click on it and you’re all ready to send an email to Liz. You’ll notice other links, too, most always blue and underlined.
POSTS: When someone sends a submission for the website, it’s called a “post”. The heading of a post is in black type. If it turns blue when you move your cursor over it, you can click on it and that post will move to the top of the page for easier reading. After a post is added, it is never changed (unless the author asks for a correction.)
PAGES: A web page is different from a post only in that it is edited/changed from time to time. It remains with the same title, but the content grows or is changed by the editor, Liz Webfoot.
SEARCH: In the right column near the top of the web page, you’ll see a “search” box. Type in a word to help you find it in the website.
I’ll add other things as I come across things I think you’d appreciate knowing. Let me know if there’s something that confuses you or that you think I should include here.
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