Judy Weinstein Segal

Editor’s note:  as this deals with Alzheimers, I’m sure there will be others who are willing to share.  Just send me your posts if you’re interested.   June 2018

My husband, Bruce, and I recently attended the show “Bull in a China Shop”, a play by a recent MHC grad, Bryna Turner.  The play tells about the romantic relationship between Mary Wooley and Jeanette Marks, while also highlighting how Mary Wooley singlehandedly turned Mount Holyoke from a finishing school for young women into an institution that offered them a serious education.  It played off Broadway last year to rave reviews and is currently having a six week run in Chicago.  We really enjoyed it.  The dialogue was terrific with lots of very funny lines and the Chicago cast was great.  Overall, I was quite impressed by the talents of the playwright, although there were some aspects of the script that, at least in my view, could benefit from more work.  At any rate, it is something to watch for and enjoy if it comes to a location near you.    

On a personal note, Bruce and I relocated from DC to Chicago about three years ago to be closer to family.  If there are other classmates in the Chicago area, I would enjoy being in touch.  I can be reached by e-mail at judywsegal@gmail.com and by telephone at 224-307-2448.
At the time of our move, Bruce received a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s and I have been thrust into a caretaker role as his disease continues to progress.  Over the past three years, I have learned by sheer trial and error an enormous amount about how to take care of a loved one with this diagnosis.  If there are other classmates who are also on this journey, I would be delighted to share information.
                                                                   Judy Weinstein Segal

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