I’m your webmaster, Liz Hottel Barrett, dLOGO GRIFFONoing my best to keep this website running until  hell freezes over .  Its success is due largely to your involvement, so give me a boost and send  something to include.  You can email me anytime about anything you think should be changed.  Don’t forget to look here for information on what’s happening with the Mount Holyoke Class of 1961.

Why do we have a Website?  Used properly, our website can help us stay in touch with each other, follow topics of interest, become inspired by the accomplishments of our talented class,  brag a little (or a lot!) about what we’ve accomplished, share good read suggestions and travel adventures, find support, tune in to each other, and thereby more fully enrich our lives!  It is all up to you, and I’d love to hear from you.

If you feel uncomfortable with websites, some explanations can be found at Help With The Website.

ClassIconsBig Of course we are the green gryphon.  The purple phoenix is for grad students.

I’m still hoping that this will get better in every way, and so I’m happy to hear from anyone. Please email Liz with your suggestions. Thanks

We are not allowed to list contact information on this site, but you can get that from the Alumnae Association.