Category Archives: Home Cooking

Chicken Meatball Soup

Name: Victoria Breck*
Class Year: 2008
Country of Residence: Belgium

* Victoria is one of this competition’s judges, so this recipe will not be considered – it’s simply delicious, and needs to be shared!

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

I was desperate to use up the crumbs from a bag of pizza dough crackers (so salty and delicious), so I started thinking about recipes that would involve meatballs… that day we went shopping and found minced chicken (relatively unusual for Belgium!) so we snatched it up, and threw together this soup. It has now become on regular rotation at our house. It’s so deep in flavour, if you do have the Parmesan rind don’t skip it, the broth becomes liquid gold. This soup is also very versatile, I have purposely not put amounts because you can really work with what you have, or what combination of vegetables you prefer.

Continue reading Chicken Meatball Soup

Chocolate Heath Bar Crunch Cookies

Name: Victoria Breck*
Class Year: 2008
Country of Residence: Belgium

* Victoria is one of this competition’s judges, so this recipe will not be considered – it’s simply delicious, and needs to be shared!

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

This recipe originally started some years ago on the back of a bag of heath bar bits. So simple. But I started playing around over the years, adding spelt flour to make them fluffier and melt in your mouth, and scaling back on the sugar, and up on the cocoa. Now they are a masterpiece! You can either eat them plain as cookies, or at a dinner party they make a fun dessert when they are still slightly warm, served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream. If you don’t like heath bars you can substitute whatever other chunks you like (white chocolate chips, chocolate chips, nuts, etc.) Warning… they will not last long.

Continue reading Chocolate Heath Bar Crunch Cookies

Lynn’s Favorite Fish Recipe

Name: Lynn Meins
Class Year: 1970
Country of Residence: Germany

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

When my grandparents arrived in the United States after fleeing from Nazi Germany, my grandfather asked my grandmother if she wanted a cook or a car. They couldn’t afford both. My grandmother answered that they were now in America and here they needed a car, so she would just have to learn to cook. She always claimed she couldn’t cook very well, but we always loved what she served us. My grandfather was Prof. Frederic Sell, Head of the German Dept. at MHC from 1941-1956, and my grandmother was a German language assistant at MHC until 1967.

Continue reading Lynn’s Favorite Fish Recipe

Salmon with Lentils

Name: Jane Zimmy
Class Year: 1974
Country of Residence: USA

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

I’m living alone and getting delivery from various sources – lost weight since my husband left me (15KG) so I try to order fish from my delivery service. Recipe is for Icelandic Steelhead Salmon (but I think any salmon or thick filet would work) – I’ve also ordered more shelf stable items (beans, lentils, pasta, etc) than I could ever use in a year. I found this recipe online and adjusted it for one (and have leftover lentils which I will use today). If you’re serving more just increase the salmon filets. I’m trying to find recipes that take <30 minutes from start to finish (I did the leek and carrot mis en place earlier!).

Continue reading Salmon with Lentils

Apple Compote with an Italian Twist

Name: Silvia Maulini*
Class Year: 1980
Country of Residence: The Netherlands

* Silvia is one of this competition’s judges, so this recipe will not be considered – it’s simply delicious, and needs to be shared!

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

In August 2019 a small group of MHC alumnae in the Netherlands attended a Slow Food event I had helped to organize in a historic orchard located close to Amsterdam. We picked apples and plums and together with friends and family members we processed them producing several delicious dishes. Our team was responsible for the apple compote and we surely had a great time!

Continue reading Apple Compote with an Italian Twist

Balsamic Vinegar, Thyme and Caramelised Onion Relish

Name: Elizabeth Taeed
Class Year: 2009
Country of Residence: Portugal

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

After four years of travelling, my husband and I have now settled in Portugal. Which means, we have a fully kitted out kitchen and amazing local farms. To celebrate, we bought a large sack of onions with which to make pickles, chutneys and relishes. This is the first! The balsamic vinegar and fresh thyme pair beautifully with the sweetness of the onions, and is a tasty crowd-pleaser (stay away from crowds though).

Continue reading Balsamic Vinegar, Thyme and Caramelised Onion Relish

Shrimp and Gingery Tomato Sauce for Pasta

Name: Carolyn Geisler Hornfeld
Class Year: 1963
Country of Residence: Switzerland

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

I made up this recipe on a dash home from our mountain chalet where my husband and I are waiting out the corona-virus self-isolation. Happened to have the ingredients to hand, we were ravenously hungry and both agreed this was a serendipitous invention! It tastes great and can be made easily and rapidly… Hope you agree.

Continue reading Shrimp and Gingery Tomato Sauce for Pasta