Lynn’s Favorite Fish Recipe

Name: Lynn Meins
Class Year: 1970
Country of Residence: Germany

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

When my grandparents arrived in the United States after fleeing from Nazi Germany, my grandfather asked my grandmother if she wanted a cook or a car. They couldn’t afford both. My grandmother answered that they were now in America and here they needed a car, so she would just have to learn to cook. She always claimed she couldn’t cook very well, but we always loved what she served us. My grandfather was Prof. Frederic Sell, Head of the German Dept. at MHC from 1941-1956, and my grandmother was a German language assistant at MHC until 1967.

My Favorite Fish Recipe

Serves 2. Takes approx. 30 minutes (preparation and cooking)

350 – 400 g white fish fillet (for example cod, haddock, perch)
Lemon juice
1 medium-sized onion
150 – 200 g champignons (mushrooms)
a handful flaked or sliced almonds
Parsley flakes
200 g crème frâiche (or sour cream)*
Salt and pepper to taste

*This is also good if you use ¼ l white wine instead of the cream.


Put the fish in a baking dish and sprinkle it with lemon juice. Dice the onion and slice the mushrooms. Sauté them together in olive oil (about 5 minutes) and season with salt and pepper. Spread the mixture over the fish, scatter the almonds and parsely flakes on top and cover everything with the cream. Bake for 30 minutes at 170°C. I serve it with sweet potato mash and a salad.

Guten Appetit!


Memory (see story above)

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