Tag Archives: Nuts

Lone Star Pecan, Pumpkin, & Bourbon Pie

Name: Virginia Ross
Class Year: 1966
Country of Residence: United Kingdom

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

Autumn and winter holiday dinners feature a pie made of pumpkins or pecans, but our family favourite uses both ingredients. Pecans, which are abundant locally, come in a variety of shapes, sizes, and tastes – all delicious.

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Bärlauch/Ramps Pesto with Green Almonds

Name: Katia deSouza
Class Year: 1999
Country of Residence: Formerly Switzerland, now USA

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

Before I moved to Switzerland, I got caught up in the seasonal ramps crazy at the farmers’ market. I really missed them until I discovered the alternative, bärlauch. I then realized that I could forage for them along my favourite running trail in Basel and I knew what I had to do…make pesto. Since I have an allergy to all nuts accept peanuts and almonds, pesto is generally out of reach for me. Green almonds, which are also very seasonal, are a great alternative to pine nuts. But you can easily sub pumpkin seeds for a truly nut free alternative.

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Engadiner Nut Pie

Name: Patricia Simon
Class Year: 1968
Country of Residence: Germany

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

I first had this in the Engadin (Switzerland) about 40-50 years ago, and I thought I was in heaven. But it didn’t occur to me for decades to try to make it myself. A few years ago I found a recipe in a magazine and, being a MHC alum, thought “why not?”. The rest is history (and hips).

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