Category Archives: Giving

Reunion Week!

Reunion week is finally here! Your reunion chairs and class volunteers have planned some amazing events for reunion weekend. It will be a great opportunity to revisit MHC and reconnect with classmates. Check out our class reunion schedule… *Remember … Continue reading

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Last chance for an extra $50!

Today is the last day to take advantage of our classmate’s generous offer to add $50 for every gift in April. We need 36 more people to contribute a gift of ANY SIZE by midnight tonight to score an additional $2004 for our class. We … Continue reading

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Thank An Alum Days

Thank you to everyone who has given so far! Not only is your gift going to support some of the programs listed below, but it will also help us beat Smith in our MHC-Smith reunion challenge. If you haven’t given … Continue reading

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Update: Score More for 2004!

2004 Challenge—Score more for ’04! We set the bar incredibly high during the FebruMary challenge, getting 50 donors in just 24 hours. Imagine what we can do in a month! With our 10th reunion next month,  thanks to the generosity of … Continue reading

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MHC vs. Smith Reunion Challenge

Two Great Colleges. Two Powerful Legacies. One Mission. Women’s colleges change the world. We approach things boldly. And inspire each other along the way. Now, in a philanthropic twist on a friendly rivalry, the Mount Holyoke College class of 2004 has … Continue reading

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