Now accepting nominations!

Do you want to be a part of Class Board? Do you know someone who should be on Class Board?

As we get ready for our 10th reunion in May 2014, it is time to begin the process of finding new members for our class board 2014-2019. That is where we need your help! Please send in your nominations for any and all class board positions!

Class Board positions include: President, Vice President (co-reunion chair), Secretary, Treasurer, Co-Reunion Chair, Head Class Agents (2), Co-Scribes (2 or more), Nominating Committee (3)

Feel free to nominate yourself or a friend. In your nomination, please include current contact information and a short blurb about what you would bring to the position that you are interested in.

Have questions? Want to make a few nominations? Please email Becky McNealy @

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