Summer is almost here….

And that means that Reunion 2014 is only about 1 year away!

Remember to stay in touch with the class through our Facebook page (Mount Holyoke College Class of 2004) and our website ( These two places will be our main sources of communication about class events and special occasions that are coming up over the next year.

As Mount Holyoke celebrates its 175th anniversary this year, our class continues on the journey of reunion planning. Make a note on your calendars to save the dates May 16–18, 2014 for Reunion I! Your amazing reunion co-chairs Kristina and Jen are going to be communicating with you over the next year in order to keep everyone in the loop about what is being planned for Reunion.

One our way to our 10 year reunion, we are hosting 10 mini reunions across the country to celebrate the awesome women of 2004. Check Facebook, this website, and your email in order to get more information about an event in your area! Cities include… Chicago, New York, Boston, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Washington D.C., South Hadley, Atlanta, Houston, and Seattle.

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