Tag Archives: Thai

Red Lentil Thai Chili

Name: Emily Arnold
Class Year: 2012
Country of Residence: United States

Note: This recipe is not being entered in the competition, it is simply being shared for you all to enjoy!

Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory? 

I am not sure when I came across this recipe, but I love the flavour combination.  I am not vegan myself but I have a co-worker friend who is.  Every year we have a chili cook-off at work and the whole office votes for their top chili.  And every year there is only one vegan chili submission and my friend can only eat the one she brought.  I had recently found this recipe so I decided to make it for the cook-off so she would have something else to eat.  And I WON… Third place… along with 5 other people…

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