Category: President

From Our Class President: Thanks to Val and Avice

Hi everyone, me again. First of all, I want to send a big thank you to our dear classmates, Dr. Val Barr and Avice Meehan, for again hosting a Class Zoom call to provide an Update on the State of the College, last Wednesday evening, March 10th. We had so many firsts:

· A joint call with the Classes of 1977 and 1978

· A call that lasted 1¾ hours!

· 61 (I think) attendees throughout the evening

· 28 alums staying until the end (7:45)

· Two presenters chatting with each other

I have heard from many of you telling me how much you enjoyed the evening, so I know we can say it was a huge success.

For those who could not attend, it is posted on our Class Zoom Conversation Archive page  

During the discussion, I asked Val and Avice how alums can get more involved with the College, and they suggested:

• Support the Alumnae Fund

• Donate to the “Meet the Moment” fund to support student financial aid (contribute through the annual fund, endowment, etc.)

• Mentor students

• Post job openings with the CDC (Career Development Center)

• Sponsor internships

• Go to events (AA, Class, Regional)

• Become part of the Gates

• Volunteer with the Class of 1977

• Volunteer with the Alumnae Association

• Promote MHC to friends and potential students

You can find other ways to get involved, with our Class, with the College, and with other classmates by visiting our website

Several other notes:

· Our Class Reunion Co-Chairs, Sue Granahan Colgan and Janet O’Neill Connell  are already working hard planning our 45threunion in 2022 (can you believe 45???), and you will be hearing more about this in coming months. If you would like to volunteer to help with this event, contact them, I know they would love to hear from you.

· I am starting to plan our next Class Zoom meeting, Exploring the Creative Process of Writing, so please stay tuned. And let me know if you would like to be part of this by contacting me.

· If anyone has some suggestions for topics for upcoming class Zoom meetings, please contact me, I’m always looking for good ideas. 

Thank you again… to Val, to Avice, to my amazing classmates and to everyone from 1978 who made this a memorable event. We are awesome!



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From Our Class President: Next Zoom Call Wednesday March 10th 6pm EST: Update – State of the College

Hello everyone, as I mentioned in my earlier eblast, our next Class Zoom meeting will be on Wednesday, March 10that 6 pm EST, when our amazing classmates, Dr. Val Barr, the Jean E. Sammet Professor of Computer Science, and Avice Meehan, the Alumnae Trustee of the College, will provide an update on the State of the College, from their perspectives.  

Val and Avice spoke with us back in June in a very well attended (and very much appreciated!) Zoom call and I thought this would be a good time to have an update on everything going on at the College.  

AND…. we have invited our “younger” sibs from the Class of 1978 to join us!  I spoke with Marianne Fouhey (co-head agent) and Nancy Rosoff (web mistress) who are really excited to be part of this and since they know so many of us from when we were all together on campus, we know its going to be fun.  And Mo Kuhn, their fabulous President, is also on board.  

So please plan on joining us, not only to hear from Val and Avice, but also to visit with some of our 1978 friends.  

Check the email from Liz on March 1st or our Class of 1977 Facebook for the Zoom link. (we do not post to avoid Zoom bombing)

And just as an FYI, I am working on planning our next Zoom call, where we will hear from our classmates on exploring the creative process of writing, so please stay tuned.  And let me know if you would like to be part of this send her a note from this page.  

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday, March 10that 6pm EST… We will post the recording the Zoom on this site afterwards. 



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From Our Class President: Upcoming Seven Sisters Comedy Show This Saturday February 27

Hello all – and I hope you are all surviving these challenging winter storms, or sitting by a beautiful beach if you are so lucky!

Just a quick note – you will be getting another eblast very soon with details of our upcoming Class Zoom call for March 10th, so please hold that date, but I wanted to let everyone know of an upcoming Seven Sisters event this Saturday, February 27th that sounds like a lot of fun:

Seven Sisters Sibling Revelry: Cocktails and Comedy Show

And I know one of the comedians will be one of our own, Rohita Kadambi MHC’11, so that will make it extra special.  

I am looking forward to laughing a lot, and supporting our Seven Sisters sibs.


I am looking for some of our writer classmates who would be interested in participating in a Class Zoom call, probably in April or May.  We have already had a very successful call with some of our creative classmates who sing/create music, paint, or bake, so now I thought it would be interesting to explore the creative process of writing – fiction, poetry, plays, biographies, essays, technical reports, other non-fiction, etc.  If you are interested, please call me (201-513-6310) or send me an email ( .  I am really looking forward to this, and can’t wait to hear from you. 

One last thing – please visit our brand new, award-winning (I am giving out the award…)  class website.  It truly is amazing and continues to be updated frequently, and includes many topics I think we are all interested in.  And don’t forget to bookmark the link 

Hope to “see” many of you this Saturday, as we enjoy a laugh (or two) together.



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From our Class President – Recap of Zoom meeting on Practicing Conscious Self Care

Photo of Class of 1977 Logo

Hi everyone, me again.  First of all, I want to send a big thank you to our dear classmate, Deb Stone Roth, for again hosting a Class Zoom meeting on Practicing Conscious Self-Care, last Tuesday evening.  

But before I get to details on that call, I want to remind everyone, as I mentioned in last weeks eblast, that our amazing classmate, Dr. Leslie Sandy Jones, is reprising the presentation she gave to us during the summer, The Biology of Skin Colorfor the entire AA community, NOVEMBER 19th at 5:30 EST. If you missed it with us, or if you want to revisit this vital topic, check out:

Regarding our Zoom call on Self Care, there were 25 of us on the call, and I know each of us took away a lot of good ideas on ways to practice this, including these that our classmates shared in the Zoom chat: 

    • My book club has been a lifeline
    • I take a zoom exercise class 6 days/week
    • I love how Tai Chi zoom allows me to bring that energy into my own space.
    • I also do a lot of forest bathing (editor’s note: I asked what this is, its taking time to walk through a forest or park and just take time to “see” everything around you, and be in the moment, rather than measuring your walking/jogging/running pace, planning your food shopping list, talking on the phone, etc. etc.
    • Bicycle riding and hiking are my main ways of exercising and getting outdoors
    • I’m walking 5 miles almost every day
    • I’ve taken up a new sport – rowing. The machines are outside under a canopy so it’s fresh air and socially distanced
    • I take Chinese brush painting classes now by zoom
    • Walking 10k steps, and also taking 2 languages (Portuguese & French) on Duolingo
    • A zoom hootenanny making music makes me happy
    • I now drive 35 min. each way to go to a pool twice a week
    • We’re planning a walking party through the neighborhood to look at holiday lights rather than our usual indoor holiday party
    • I friend is not well, so instead of indoor dining, 4 of us met in the park yesterday & had a lovely picnic
    • I recommend electric bikes!
    • Northern California MHC Club has a Zoom book club -Diverse literature
    • The MHC Alumnae Association has an on-line book club,


And from Deb directly:

Hi Liz –

Love being with our MHC clan! 

Here are the things I mentioned on Tuesday’s call:

Book + article Deb mentioned:

Deb’s resources:


And if you would like to listen to the Zoom call, here is the link: 

Meeting Recording:

And, as I always say, if you would like to facilitate a Class Zoom meeting, please let me know.  And if you have suggestions on topics for these Zoom meetings, it would be great to hear from you, so send me via this contact form





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From Class President – Thanks to Ann Reynolds, Simonne Roy and Nicky Mesiah and More 

Class of 1977 Logo

Hi everyone, lots of things to share with you:

1.    Many, many thanks to our amazing classmates, Ann Reynolds, Simonne Roy and Nicky Mesiah as they led us through a Celebration of the Arts on October 2nd.  Twenty-six of us learned about composing Cuban jazz music, painting views of Provence, and baking healthy goodies.   A link to the Video is here.  Simonne would like to invite the Class to follow her art adventures, see her newest paintings, and receive invitations by subscribing to her monthly newsletter,  Ann has lots of information about her work and her band at  And Nicky has all kinds of stories on her website as well as a way to order her delicious products at 

2.    Don’t forget, MOUNTAIN DAY will be one day this week…keep checking your email inbox!

3.    The Common Read this year is select essays from The 1619 Project

4.    I have started to participate in the AA Book Club and am enjoying it.  I am reading books that I normally would not, so that’s been great.  Check out the link

5.    You all should have received a survey from Alex Woody, the Chair of our new Class of 1977 Communications Committee, asking questions about ways we can better connect within our class.   I hope you all take a couple of minutes and complete the survey by Wednesday October 14th, thanks!

6.    And one last thing – watch for another eblast from me announcing our next Class Zoom meeting with Deb Stone Roth, again leading us in ways of Self-Care.  We are planning on scheduling it in November, before the rush of the Holiday Season is upon us.  So…stay tune!!!

Hope you find all of this helpful,  



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