Next Class of 1977 Book Club, Tuesday, September 19th at 8 pm EDT

Good news Class!  I recently heard from Sue Berry Duncan, who wrote: After our class Zoom for Lessons in Chemistry (which was a great book discussion) Nancy Mathiasen, Maureen Harrigan and I chatted a couple of times about hosting another class book discussion which focused on a work by an MHC author.  Nancy mentioned a very successful work of fiction by Deborah Harkness (’86): A Discovery of Witches.  It’s the first book in a trilogy which has now been made into a series available for streaming.  It was also on the NYT bestseller list about 10 years ago.

    The book is a fun read (I say that as someone who has had zero interest in any Anne Rice books or the Twilight series) and has some interesting ideas in it that would lead to a good discussion.  If there was enough interest by classmates, Nancy would reach out to the author to see if she would join us. Dr. Harkness is a professor at the University of Southern California.

Thank you Sue, Nancy and Maureen for volunteering and I know we are all excited to read A Discovery of Witches and join in a great book discussion.  So everyone, please mark your calendars for 8pm EDT on Tuesday, September 19th for our next Book Club zoom.  And this time should allow our West Coast classmates, and Dr. Harkness, to join.  

Nancy would like to gauge interest in participation before contacting Dr. Harkness so please respond by July 1st to Sue (, Nancy (, Maureen ( or me ( and let us know if you will likely join.  And if you’re not sure, let us know you are a “maybe” so we can estimate attendance.  

I hope everyone has a great summer, and I can’t wait to see you all on September 19th at 8 pm EDT. I will send a Zoom link as the date gets closer. 



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