Officers 2024 2025

President: Lisa Weissman ’84

VP Events: Syeda Nawroj ’14

Treasurer: Gauri Ganjoo19

Secretary: Shan Jiang ’21

Young Alumnae coordinator: Anna Pickett ’22

Communications chair: Shan Jiang ’21

Communications Co-chair: Adrianne Wu ’21

Membership chair(Acting): Peri Caylor ’83

Members-at-large: Louise Jeffrey ‘00 (for Coast members)

Francisca Sanchez ’75 (for Central Valley members)

Jen King ‘91 (for Peninsula & East Bay members)


Non-Voting Members

Advisers:  Peri Caylor ’83

Barbara Monks ‘70

Rose drop coordinators: Anne Raphael ‘62 

Trudy Levy ‘69

Joanne Petersen ‘71

AAR: Adrianne Wu ’21


Selected Bios

President – Lisa Weissman ’84

Lisa has a passion for making things better. She’s worked in Organization Change Management for most of her career helping a wide variety of organizations, from nonprofits to Fortune 100 companies, move towards their ideal future state. She has moved quite a bit herself, landing on the Peninsula shortly before the pandemic changed all of our lives. Wherever she goes, she looks for MHC connections, finding amazing, uncommon women who share her passion for making things better. She was delighted to join the board initially as a VP focused on event planning, and then serving as President. She enjoys connecting with other alumnae whether it’s celebrating our traditional college events or exploring local area fun. Her interests include providing stability / permanency for children in need and period equity. . 

VP Events – Syeda Nawroj ’14

Mount Holyoke transformed Syeda’s life. As an international student from Dhaka, Bangladesh, she never imagined she could afford the empowerment, freedom, and agency that a Mount Holyoke education and community offered her. After finishing law school at NYU, Syeda moved to the Bay Area to begin her law practice and immediately sought the support and comfort of the Club of the Peninsula. She is deeply grateful to be able to give back to this thriving group and aims to pay it forward. Syeda enjoys gardening and spending time with her three-year-old son and looks forward to spending her weekends serving her local Mount Holyoke community.

Treasurer – Gauri Ganjoo ’19

After graduating from MHC in 2019 and moving back to the bay, Gauri quickly connected with the alumnae club seeking guidance and community.  When she was approached about joining the club, she saw an opportunity to start giving back to the community and help others in a small way. She is also a math nerd who once helped create a playing card deck of female mathematicians and loves good stories in the form of books, comics, film, television, standup, etc and is on the lookout for her next obsession.

Co-Communications Chair: Shan Jiang ’21

Shan Jiang’s journey brought her from Pittsburgh, where she completed her Master’s degree at Carnegie Mellon, to the vibrant Bay Area, where she began a new role as a game producer at Niantic. Since moving in January, she has found a welcoming community in the Mount Holyoke College Club of the Peninsula and helped deliver five roses to local high school seniors as part of the club’s tradition. Shan is honored to take on the roles of Communications Chair and Secretary at the Peninsula Club and contribute to Class Board of 2021 at the same time. She looks forward to working with fellow alumnae to strengthen connections and build a supportive community here in the Bay Area.. 

Membership Chair – Peri Caylor ’83

Hiking above the fog on Mount Tamalpais one Mountain Day, Peri Caylor ’83 was inspired to join the Mount Holyoke Club of Northern California. She enjoyed cultivating friendships with women of different generations whose backgrounds and interests—aside from Mount Holyoke—differed from her own. Being involved in club events transported her beyond her daily work as a full-time mom and housewife, and her life grew richer for it. Peri has been part of the Mount Holyoke Club of the Peninsula since 2011, and is thrilled to have the privilege of working with a group of talented women to further strengthen ties among area Mount Holyoke alums.

Recent Alum Coordinator – Anna Pickett ’22

Since receiving a rose from the Mount Holyoke Club of the Peninsula as a prospective student, Anna knew she wanted to be involved in the local MHC community. Soon after she graduated from MHC, she joined the local club as the recent alum coordinator and continues to work on creating events and resources to support the community. She enjoys being able to help local alums connect and find community together after graduation. Additionally, she will soon start work as a quality engineer at Apple.