Officers 2022 2023

Mount Holyoke Club of the Peninsula Officers 2022 – 2023:

President: Lisa Weissman ’84

Lisa has a passion for making things better. She’s worked in Organization Change Management for most of her career helping a wide variety of organizations, from nonprofits to Fortune 100 companies, move towards their ideal future state. She has moved quite a bit herself, landing on the Peninsula shortly before the pandemic changed all of our lives. Wherever she goes, she looks for MHC connections, finding amazing, uncommon women who share her passion for making things better. She was delighted to join the board as a Co-VP focused on event planning. She found it to be a great way to explore local area fun while connecting with other alumnae. Her interests include providing stability / permanency for children in need and period equity. She enjoys traveling and hiking with her two dogs, Mollie and Lacey.

Vice president: Trudy levy ’69 <>

Trudy Levy ’69 has been active in her MHC Class since graduation, holding many positions, but it was not until she hit San Francisco in 1990 that she discovered the clubs, the perfect place to meet like-minded interesting women.  Shortly after moving to San Jose, she was invited to join the board by Barbara Monks as Secretary. Finding this a less than ideal position for herself, she created a new position the following year, the co-communications position responsible for electronic communications or social media. Trudy had been interested in technology since her architectural practice in the 80s and 90s. Then the internet hit town and she became an avid proponent of global knowledge through the web.

Treasurer: Gauri Ganjoo ’19

After graduating from MHC in 2019 and moving back to the bay, Gauri quickly connected with the alumnae club seeking guidance and community. Fast forward to today, she is wrapping up her masters and hopes to work as a data scientist in tech. When she was approached about joining the club, she saw an opportunity to start giving back to the community and help others in a small way. She is also a math nerd who once helped create a playing card deck of female mathematicians and loves good stories in the form of books, comics, film, television, standup, etc and is on the lookout for her next obsession.

Secretary: Helen Wills Brown ’71

One of Helen’s mother’s friends in the Navy—they worked adjacent to actual “code girls”!—had gone to MHC. Her mom was so impressed by her friend that she encouraged Helen’s older sister, DD, to attend, and she did. Helen followed DD. There are reasons it was not the best choice for her, but she made good friends and loved being in the modern dance club, Glee Club, Chamber Singers, and V8s. She was a Montessori teacher for a few years, and also worked as a medical transcriptionist. In addition to singing with California Bach Society, Helen has a permaculture garden, reads and does crosswords voraciously, and goes dancing and hiking when her knees allow it! She has not in the past been an active alumna, but she’s now enjoying getting to know the Peninsula club members and serving as the board secretary.

Co-Communications Chair: Marie McElligott ’09 (she/her) <>

Marie grew up in Watsonville and her first introduction to the Mount Holyoke Club of the Peninsula was the new student send off in the fall right before leaving for her freshman year at MHC. She went on to graduate as a physics major from MHC in 2009. She has been involved with the club since moving to San Jose in 2014. After attending a few events, she joined first as a member-at-large, then Young Alum Coordinator and eventually transitioning to Treasurer in 2017 and now Communications chair in 2020. She is working as a program manager at a genetics lab designing and building interfaces for electronic lab results and order delivery. 

Co-Communications Chair: Kiri Petersen ’12

Membership chair:  Peri Caylor ’83 <>  

Hiking above the fog on Mount Tamalpais one Mountain Day, Peri Caylor ’83 was inspired to join the Mount Holyoke Club of Northern California. She enjoyed cultivating friendships with women of different generations whose backgrounds and interests—aside from Mount Holyoke—differed from her own. Being involved in club events transported her beyond her daily work as a full-time mom and housewife, and her life grew richer for it. Peri has been part of the Mount Holyoke Club of the Peninsula since 2011, and this year is thrilled to be working with a group of talented women to further strengthen ties among area Mount Holyoke alumnae.

Recent Alum coordinator: Open

Member-at-large: Janet (Chang) Bernadicou ’91 (For Peninsula & East Bay Members)

Member-at-large: Fabiola de Caratachea ’97 (For Central Valley Members)

Member-at-large: Louise Jeffrey ’00 (For Santa Cruz and South Members)


Additional Volunteers

Zoom Producer: Tasha Bergson-Michelson ’93

Area Alumnae Rep. (AAR): Eliz Adem ’13 <>

Rose Drop Volunteers: Anne Raphael ’62 <> & Joanne Hiratsuka Petersen ’71 <>

Advisor: Barbara Cooke Monks ’70, <>

Immediate past president: Trudy Levy ’69