“Staying SELF-Centered and Joy-Full” Zoom Meeting December 6th at 8pm ET

I am very excited to invite everyone to our next Class activity, Staying Self-Centered and Joy-Full during the Holidays, with Deb Roth leading the event. It will be on December 6th at 8 pm ET and below is a summary of Deb’s plans:

Staying SELF-Centered and Joy-Full during the Holidays!

For MHC Class of 1977

If there was ever a time to ramp up (or create) your self-care practices, now is the time! As if the state of the world wasn’t enough, we’ve now officially entered the annual HOLI-DAZE and if we want to move through it in one piece, we need to find powerful, practical ways to keep grounded and centered.

I mean that literally – I’ve coined the phrase “sacred SELF-centeredness” to reflect how important it is to stay connected to your true essence, your best SELF, especially when we’re being pulled in many directions. And yes, it really is a sacred commitment that we make to ourselves, especially for those of us who have been taught to take care of everyone else first… a destructive little bit of socialization that women seem to have done a particularly good job of internalizing. Unchecked, this tendency results in a full-blown case of co-dependent behavior in some or all of your relationships. And not to mention, also the tendency to crash and burn when you hit the wall or are caught in the whirlwind of holiday overwhelm.

To support myself and my clients through times like this, I’ve become a “collector” of meditations, spiritual practices, and nurturing daily routines. However (full disclosure here), I’m not one of those people who can sit in silence and “clear my mind” for any length of time, so all of them include some kind of movement and/or singing/chanting. Some of them are 1-2 minutes, and the longest one is 12 minutes. I’d love to share them with you and lead you through a few so you have a few more tools in your own self-care toolbox to get through the next month or so.

Please come with some of your favorites, too. Let’s support each other in these challenging times!

Deb Stone Roth is an Interfaith Minister, Life &  Career Transition Coach, and Relationship Guide. She has spent the last 45+ years coaching, training, writing, and speaking on the topics of practical spirituality, women’s empowerment, radical self-care, conscious relationships, and managing life’s big changes, as well as convening monthly women’s circles (both “live” and on the phone), a yearlong Women’s Spirituality program, and co-creating hundreds of unique wedding ceremonies and other life-passage rituals. You can read more about her work at: www.SpiritedLiving.com


Deborah Roth, MA, PCC
Founder of Spirited Living™ and 4thU Artivists (Activism Through the Arts)

Interfaith Minister and Spiritual Life and Relationship Guide
Spirited Life/Career Transition Coaching, Relationship Support for Couples and Singles, Unique Wedding Ceremonies & Life Passage Celebrations, Women’s Moon Circles and Meditation

The Zoom link is below,

See you soon,



Topic: Class of 1977 “Staying SELF-Centered” Zoom Meeting December 6th at 8pm ET

Time: Dec 6, 2023 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 853 4454 3396

Passcode: 168886


Permanent link to this article: https://new.alumnae.mtholyoke.edu/1977/2023/11/17/staying-self-centered-and-joy-full-zoom-meeting-december-6th-at-8pm-et/