MHC Class of 75 April Newsletter


Dear Classmates,

Spring has sprung throughout most of the northern hemisphere!  If you were in the path of last week’s solar eclipse, I hope you had fun watching it.  Our class secretary Jane Crosby drove all the way from western Massachusetts to western New York to view the eclipse in totality.  If anyone else traveled further for this celestial event, please post it to our class Facebook group, Mount Holyoke ’75!

Our next Class of ’75 Zoom will be Thursday, March 9 at 8pm ET.  This Zoom will be led by one of our ’75  authors, Susan Cartmell, whose book The Perpetual Pivot:  Ministry in the Pandemic and Beyond, was published earlier this year.  Susan and her coauthor Peggy O’Connor interviewed 53 clergy members, including classmate Joanne Brown, about how they responded to the pandemic.  Join us as Sue shares what she learned in a presentation which will involve audience participation.  Class Treasurer Alice Maroni will also address the class briefly during this Zoom about proposed Alumnae Association changes in the management of our class treasury.  

Here is the link to join in:

Topic: MHC Class of ’75 Book Discussion. Zoom Administrator:  Sandi Carbonari Welsh

Time: May 9, 2024 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 898 6298 8092

Passcode: 586503

A huge thank you to all who participated in the March madness that was the March4MHC! The Class of ’75 definitely rose to the occasion for this two-day fundraising event with 109 participants who raised $45,795, which included $11,500 in challenge funds.  The generosity and enthusiasm of our class is helping to propel Mount Holyoke into one of the top colleges in the country for percentage of alums who support their alma mater financially.  Head Class Agents Sandy Fotiades and Ruth Dillingham remind us that we are giving not just in appreciation for our own educations, but to ensure that today’s Mount Holyoke women have every opportunity to make the most of their college years.  Mount Holyoke forever shall be!

You should have recently received an online questionnaire about your interest in attending our 50th Reunion next year.  If you forgot to respond, but have suggestions or comments about reunion activities, please contact Judy Stein directly at  For anyone who feels ambivalent about returning for next year’s festivities, I urge you to COME!  I admit that I was quite ambivalent about returning for my high school 50th reunion until I received a personal message from an old classmate.  I ended up having a great time, and am now in regular touch with people I never really got to know back in high school.  Another piece of advice- it’s never too early to start shopping for a white outfit for the alumnae parade!

 How many members of the Class of ’75 exist?  The answer is, it depends on how you look at it.  We have 491 living (or thought to be living) classmates, 484 in the US and 7 living outside the US.  However, 125 of these classmates have no email on file with Mount Holyoke, which means they miss out on our class communications.  The best way you can help with this situation is to look up an old classmate in the Alumnae Directory at If that person lacks an email address, please phone or write her a note, urging her to update her profile in the directory.  Thank you for your help!

Hoping to see you virtually on May 9,

Elizabeth Stone

Co-president, Mount Holyoke Class of 1975

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