MHC Class of 75 2023 Holiday Newsletter



Dear Classmates,

     This is a reminder to kick off the holiday season with Mount Holyoke ’75 friends this Thursday, Nov.30, at 2p.m. Eastern Time!  Join panelists Mary Jane Cowles, Nancy Bourne Haley and Eileen Leahy Epstein for their program, “Experiences and Adventures in France”.  Besides having some French food & drink with you, you might also want to have a map of France to consult as the speakers identify different areas in the country.  Hope you can attend and share some of your favorite destinations in France!  Here is the link:

Zoom Link:   Coral Grout is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 868 2675 8255 Passcode: 920286

     For French speakers in the Class of ’75,  Kim Hunter invites you to join a French language Mount Holyoke Zoom group hosted by  Mèryem Puill-Châtillon ’80.  The group meets virtually every other week for an hour of French conversation and fun.   Are you eager to practice your French and connect with Francophile alums from all over the world?  Then send Mèryem an email at

     Tonight, November 27, your 1975 Class Board is having an online meeting with the MHC Class of 2025 Class Board.  The Class of 2025 is our Connections Class, the students who will graduate as we reunite for our 50th Reunion.  We look forward to chatting with these engaging young women to find opportunities to interact with them between now and May 2025.  

     Last week, as my husband and I drove home to Michigan after Thanksgiving in Massachusetts, we stopped briefly in South Hadley.  I expected Mount Holyoke’s lawns to be torn up from construction related to the geothermal energy conversion project, but that was not the case…the campus looked beautiful, even in late November.  I walked my dog along one of the newly creating walking trails on Prospect Hill, and saw parts of the College grounds that I didn’t know existed.  Did you know that the entire MHC campus has deservedly been designated as an arboretum?

     Lastly, I am sorry to inform you of the deaths of two classmates, Anyse Storey and Fontaine Tebo.  Anyse was a urologist in Toledo,OH and Fontaine was a middle school counselor in Kansas City, MO. Here are links to their obituaries:  For Anyse, and for Fontaine,

It is often months after an alumna passes away that her heirs send the College a death notice, but to inform you of deaths more promptly in the future, I will send out separate emails to the class upon receipt of a death notice.  Please contact me if you hear of a classmate who is seriously ill or who has passed away.

With best wishes for your health and happiness this holiday season,

Elizabeth Stone, Class of ’75 Co-president

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