
“When you can, please give your time, talent and treasure.”
— President Danielle R. Holley

We appreciate your interest in volunteering! Here are a few ways you can get involved with the MHC NorCal Club:

  • Join the Board: We welcome alums from our entire Northern California region, not just the Bay Area. Our Board meetings are via Zoom, so location truly doesn’t matter. We would love to have representation from throughout our incredibly large region! Please peruse the board descriptions (open positions are highlighted) and reach out to us by email. We’re always looking for fresh perspectives, new ideas, and look forward to hearing from you.
  • Host an ad hoc event: if you have an event idea, fill out this Google Form! We can advertise your event, help you find a location, set up registration, and more, as long as you complete the form at least one month in advance of your proposed date.
  • Offer your space: If you are able to offer a place for the Club to hold an event, fill out this Google form! We will reach out if your space might work for an event. You can edit your response at any time, including to retract your offer. We appreciate your willingness to open your home or other space to fellow alums.
  • Connect with us: check out this page for ways to connect with the Club.

And here are some ways you can get involved through the College and Alum Association:

  • Admissions: Interview prospective students, represent MHC at high school college fairs, or chat with accepted students. Learn more about the Alum Admissions Program.
  • Class agent: Get involved with the development process, encouraging classmates to give back financially to MHC.
  • Speaker: Speak to alums about a professional or personal topic.
  • Donor: Provide food, giveaways, other in-kind items — or make an outright cash gift to the club to support travel awards, M&Cs care packages and Club events, or donate to the MHC Annual Fund.
  • Class officer: New officers are elected every 5 years and the nominating committee is on the lookout!

Check out the volunteer resources on the Alum Association’s website for additional opportunities.