Call for Class Notes

This is how I look when I write to the AQ.

Have you won a Pulitzer prize recently?

Discovered a new planet?

Eradicated a major disease?

Been elected to Congress?

Well, neither have we, and we are so totally okay with that. And regardless, we still like each other and want to know what’s going on in each other’s lives. So submit a line or two to the next Class Notes and let us know how you are. Whether you’re relocating, starting a new job, going to school, doing a fun project, meeting up with MHC friends, or just looking to get in touch with people, submit a one or two sentence blurb! Our fantastic scribe Aviva Elzufon compiles everything she receives and sends it in to the Quarterly four times a year.

Deadlines for each submission are

January 16
May 1
August 3
November 3

and can be sent to scribe10 @

The other great thing about Class Notes are that the Class Board occasionally (read: every issue) puts in an announcement about Reunions or other stuff that’s going on. So stay tuned!