Reunion Update

UPDATE Jan 8, 2013

We’ve had a great response to our call for volunteers, though we can always use more. Please do e-mail Ida if you are interested in helping with the committees listed below, or would like more information. Certainly each coordinator will welcome helpers as well:

Clean-up coordinator: Julie Van Camp,, has graciously volunteered to coordinate this, though I’m certain she’ll welcome any and all help. Please contact her directly if you can help with this job Sunday afternoon.

Costume coordinators: We now have two, Marzy Tolmach Bauer,, and Cathy Trebelhorn,, busy working on planning this.

Decorations coordinator: This person arranges for flowers or other décor for the dinner Saturday.

Dinner coordinator: This is for the class dinner Saturday night., and our intrepid Sally Mosser Haggerty,, has taken this on again, after a stellar job in 2009. She is also, once again, planning hospitality plates of finger foods to welcome us back to campus on Friday evening. Please check directly with her if you’d like to help!

Hospitality coordinator: Linda Giannasi O’Connell,, is our coordinator, and I know she’ll be happy for help covering both the desk at Mary Woolley Hall and in our assigned dorm.

Nametag coordinator: Susan Hardy,, will prepare these.

Parade coordinator: This person plans the signs we carry Saturday morning. We can reuse old ones, but it would be fun to have new ones as well!

Program coordinator: Trudy Levy,, is working on this with Sally Gisel Green, and I’m sure she’ll welcome ideas.

Also, the Alumnae Association plans “Back-to-Class” sessions on Friday of Reunion weekend, as it has done for a number of years. Alumnae are invited to propose and put together a 45-minute class! The theme this year is “transformation,” in its widest sense (personal, political, economic, scientific etc.), in keeping with the College’s “Never Fear\Change” campaign branding. Would anyone like to present a “Back-to-Class”? Proposals are due by February 1 to

Marilyn Coburn Kincaid

President, Class of 1969

As they say online - Please discuss.