Letter from Marilyn


October 2013
Hello, everyone in the MHC class of 1969!We had a great fortieth reunion back in 2009! But that was then, and this is now. It’s time to start planning for our forty-fifth in May 2014! We are in Reunion II, which will be May 23-25, 2014.Your reunion chair, Ida Quackenbush Nystrom (inystrom@earthlink.com), says, “I’m thinking of a theme of Simple/Green (in line with the College’s new love affair with the / symbol). In short, the fiftieth (in 2019) is the big one. Let’s keep this simple and fun. I plan to do all communication by email as far as possible, and not waste reams of paper. That’s the green part.”So! We need volunteers for these positions! Please do email Ida if you are interested in the positions listed below, or would like more information. Certainly each coordinator will welcome helpers as well.

Clean up coordinator
: Yes, we need people to do this too, after all of the fun. The more we have, the quicker it gets done. Julie Van Camp (jvancamp5@gmail.com) has graciously volunteered to coordinate this, though I’m certain she’ll welcome any and all help. Please contact her directly if you can help with this job Sunday afternoon.

Costume coordinator
: The costume is the item we wear/carry during the parade on Saturday. At past reunions, we’ve had shirts, hats, and purses (in green, of course). And last reunion, we had our wonderful umbrellas that we decorated, courtesy of the program committee! Other classes have had scarves, parasols, feather boas, and vests. So there are lots of possibilities.

Decorations coordinator
: This person arranges for flowers or other décor for the dinner Saturday.

Dinner coordinator
: This is for the class dinner Saturday night, and our intrepid Sally Mosser Haggerty (sally.haggerty@rcn.com) has taken this on again, after a stellar job in 2009. Please check directly with her if you’d like to help!

Hospitality coordinator
: We actually need two; one to organize the central reception area (where you check in upon arrival, at Mary Woolley Hall), and one for the dorm desk (where our rooms and headquarters are assigned). This latter person, with her team, also arranges a welcome buffet/nosh for Friday arrivals.

Nametag coordinator
: We all need nametags. We have to adjust to the realization we don’t look the same as we did in 1969. (Dang.) We do have a number of the green key wallets left over from 2009, and suggest we reuse these.

Parade coordinator
: This person plans the signs we carry Saturday morning. We can reuse old ones, but it would be fun to have new ones as well!

Program coordinator
: This person plans any class activities that we might want to do. At some past reunions, we’ve had panel discussions or small group discussions focused on a particular topic of personal interest on Saturday afternoon. For example, horseback riding has been popular. Those aren’t the only possibilities, of course. Retired life? Still-working life? We need ideas for activities, as well as people to put it all together! Think Simple/Green!

Also, the Alumnae Association plans “Back-to-Class” sessions Friday afternoon of reunion weekend, as it has done for a number of years. Alumnae are welcome to propose and put together a class! Would anyone like to coordinate our contributions to these classes? Would anyone like to present a “Back-to-Class”? The sky is the limit!

Again, please contact Ida if you are interested in any of these committees, or if you have more questions.

Nominating committee
: These classmates choose our class officers for 2009-2014. We have four members now, but I am to appoint one more, so please let me (Marilyn Coburn Kincaid, mckincaid@swbell.net) know promptly if you would like to serve on this committee.

Interested in joining the slate for our fiftieth? Current members of the nominating committee are Rosemary Sullivan Kimball, chair, rosemarykimball@yahoo.com; Maggie Brooks, marguerite.brooks@yale.edu; Susan Simone Garland, garland26@verizon.net; and Amanda Porterfield, aporterf@fsu.edu. They would love to hear from those interested!

: We will not have a reunion booklet for 2014; we will save this for our really major fiftieth reunion in 2019!

Other noteworthy items

: Dues are $40 for the five-year cycle. Our Treasurer, Kitty Howell Cannon (rick@cannonrick.com), can tell you if you’ve paid already, and will happily accept payments!

Mount Holyoke Fund giving
: The College depends on our contributions, as tuition only pays a portion of the total cost of a college education. Our class has historically not done as well with alumnae giving as some of the others. Please, help us reverse this trend! Marcia Lepri Coleman (marcialcole@comcast.com), our gifts chair, and her team would love to hear from you!

If you have not done so, or at least not done so recently, please visit the Alumnae Association website and create your page. This is a secure page, available only to other classmates. This is where you put in all contact information, maybe a picture, and other information you might want to get out there. (You can also hide anything you don’t want others to see, for whatever reason.) You can also create a permanent MHC email address (actually a forwarding email). Please check this out; this is the site that I and other class officers rely on to contact you! In particular, please add or confirm your email address. Our class saves money when we don’t have to use snail mail for correspondence.

And finally, please plan to come to our forty-fifth! It won’t be complete without you! Every member of our class is noteworthy and important. Our class has had great reunions in the past, and I fully expect that to continue. Remember these dates: May 23-25, 2014!

All the best to 1969! Think Simple/Green!

Marilyn Coburn Kincaid
Class President

For your convenience, here is a list of all our officers:
President: Marilyn Coburn Kincaid
Vice President/Reunion Chair: Ida Quackenbush Nystrom
Secretary: Susan Strong Savage
Treasurer: Kathryn Howell Cannon
Head Class Agent/Reunion Gift Chair: Marcia Lepri Coleman
Historian: Anne Wilder Borg
Scribe: Ginna Holmes Moore
Web Mistress: Trudy Levy
Nominating Committee
Chair: Rosemary Sullivan Kimball
Member: Maggie Brooks
Member: Susan Simone Garland
Member: Amanda Porterfield

As they say online - Please discuss.