Getting involved

The Mount Holyoke Club of Britain is always looking for enthusiastic alumnae to volunteer their time or ideas!

Board positions

Looking to contribute to the club on a permanent basis? We have a few board positions currently open:

  • Treasurer
  • Social Media Coordinator

Please get in touch on to discuss.

Event Hosts

A few established club events can only continue with your help! We require enthusiastic alumnae who can choose a venue and gather with fellow alumnae in or near their home city for the following events:

  • Mountain Day
  • Laurel Lunch
  • Founder’s Day Tea
  • Pub Nights
  • Brunches

If you would like to participate as an event host for one of these events this year, please get in touch with us at

London Hosts

From time to time we bring members of the Mount Holyoke faculty to London to speak at our events. If you are able to provide housing to visiting speakers and/or students for one or two nights, we would very much appreciate your help hosting. Please get in touch to discuss in more detail.


Do you have a space you could donate or hire to the Club for events? Please contact us with your name, class year and the details of your venue at!


If you are a speaker and/or have a suggestion for a speaker/event that you would like to see the club host, please contact us at with your name, class year, what group of alumnae you think this event would appeal to and why.

Items for our Fundraising Events

Do you have items you can contribute to our fundraising efforts? We are always grateful for donations of goods and services that can be used in raffles and silent auctions. Please reach out with your name, class year, and details about the items you can offer to Your generosity helps support the Club’s activities and scholarships.

3 thoughts on “Getting involved

  1. Hello Mount Holyoke Club of Great Britain!

    My name is Elise Newcomer, class of 2018, and I recently moved to Edinburgh. I would be interested in volunteering to start semi-regular events in Edinburgh for those alums and students studying abroad in the area. Is this something I could do within the scope of the Mount Holyoke Club of Great Britain? I would love to know more!


  2. Hello MHC club of Britain,

    I am looking to get in touch with Mount Holyoke alumni in and around Bristol. Any leads would be very helpful.


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