Hello All!

First and foremost, if you have not done so, I highly encourage you to join the alumnae Facebook group for the Mount Holyoke Club of the Peninsula for updates on events, quick meet ups, or if you would like to see what we’ve been up to.

Summer is flying by and fall is steadily approaching! We are excited to have the newest members of the MHC family, the Class of 2021, from the Bay Area to be soon heading out to Mount Holyoke in the next month! Our traditional send-off party, Fog to Foliage, will be a wonderful opportunity to connect with the new students as well as meet their parents and show the support network they have back home.

We also have other traditions coming up this fall such as the young alumnae fall/cider party and, of course, our ice cream social for Mountain Day! We look forward to welcoming fall with you and hope to see you all at our events. Please visit here to keep reading the club‘s August newsletter


Kirsten (Kiri) Petersen ’12 

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