Greetings from the Club Officers

To help people plan for the upcoming year and future MHC Club events, we wanted to let download (7)members know what we are thinking about for the upcoming year.  Below is a tentative schedule by month as to what type of events we are planning to organize.  We of course welcome your feedback.  Please don’t also hesitate to let us know if you are interested in volunteering for a particular event.

March/April – Three college luncheon hosted by Smith

May – Mary Lyon Dinner

June – Joint event with Vassar club to attend show at Hartford Stage

July/August – Summer Book Club

August – Summer send-off party for new and returning students

September – Mountain Day Hike

October – MHC Forum – Career, Networking and Current Events panel

Also in October young alumnae to attend the YWCA’s Money Conference for Women

Details for all events will be forthcoming.

We look forward to seeing many of you over the course of 2015!

Congratulations to Our Contest Winners

Thank you to all of our members who completed our club survey at the end of 2014.  We are actively reviewing the information and have been brainstorming new events and thinking of ways to get more alumnae involved.  We truly appreciate your feedback about what is important to you in the club.

Congratulations also to Jean Partridge and Magdelena Reyna.  You both won a free ticket to a club event of your choice.  You will be receiving an email from the club president with more details.

Celebrate Mary Lyon’s Birthday!

hpmarylyon“The first night we had for tea baked apples, raised bread and butter and sweet cakes, plum cake I think.” —Sarah Wingate, Mount Holyoke Seminary student, September 30, 1848

You are cordially invited to attend an afternoon tea to celebrate Mary Lyon’s 218th birthday on Saturday, February 28. The tea will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the home of an alumna in Glastonbury.

Please bring a favorite dessert to share. Last year we had a wonderful assortment of baked goods at our dessert party on Mary Lyon’s birthday.

RSVP to Carolyn Dorais ’68 ( by Friday, February 20. Carolyn will email the address in Glastonbury to all who respond. If you’ll have difficulty negotiating steps, please let Carolyn know so we can arrange accessibility with our hostess.

Successful Book Club Event!

Alumnae from the Class of 1965 to the Class of 2014 — and with a wide variety of download (1)professional backgrounds and life experiences — gathered on January 15 to discuss Orange Is the New Black. Led by Marnie Clark ’68, we examined the book as a memoir and looked at a wide range of social and criminal justice issues presented there. In addition, alums who had watched the television series contrasted the Netflix approach with the book. After almost two hours (longer than we’d originally planned), some of us still had more to say, and we talked about having additional book and movie discussions in the future.

Many thanks to Marnie for doing a superb job of organizing this event, and to Rita MacRae ’00 for hosting us at Solstice Strategy Partners!