Celebrate Mary Lyon’s Birthday!

hpmarylyon“The first night we had for tea baked apples, raised bread and butter and sweet cakes, plum cake I think.” —Sarah Wingate, Mount Holyoke Seminary student, September 30, 1848

You are cordially invited to attend an afternoon tea to celebrate Mary Lyon’s 218th birthday on Saturday, February 28. The tea will be held from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. at the home of an alumna in Glastonbury.

Please bring a favorite dessert to share. Last year we had a wonderful assortment of baked goods at our dessert party on Mary Lyon’s birthday.

RSVP to Carolyn Dorais ’68 (cedorais@comcast.net) by Friday, February 20. Carolyn will email the address in Glastonbury to all who respond. If you’ll have difficulty negotiating steps, please let Carolyn know so we can arrange accessibility with our hostess.

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