Orange is the New Black Book Discussion for Alumnae and Students

5132hsr-LbL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_The Mount Holyoke Club of Hartford will hold a discussion of Orange Is the New Black on Thursday, January 15. This book is Smith alumna Piper
Kerman’s memoir of her experience in a women’s prison and the basis for the award-winning Netflix series. Because Orange Is the New Black was the
2014 “Common Read” at the College, we are inviting current students from the Hartford area, who will be home during the January break, to join us at our first alumnae event in 2015.

This event will be held at 6:30 p.m. at Solstice Strategy Partners (, 129 Tolland Stage Road in Tolland (see Map Quest for directions). Many thanks to Rita MacRae ’00 for generously
offering to host our discussion.

Please join the Mount Holyoke Club of Hartford for a lively interchange of
ideas among students and alumnae. To help us plan light refreshments,
RSVP by January 12 to Marnie Clark ‘68,

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