Name: Lynn Meins
Class Year: 1970
Country of Residence: Germany
Why is this recipe great? What’s its backstory?
In 1983, a group of 6 of us started a book club. Not only do we read books, we also cook meals for each other. For my first evening as hostess, I made dips with vegetables and other finger food. This was practically unknown here in Germany at the time and was a big hit. In fact, since then, the other members have insisted that I make dips – whenever I dared try something else, I got the reaction, “That was very good, but next time we want your dips!” Here are some of the favorites. (If anyone wants some good book tips, I can provide those, too!)
Three Dips
Serves ??? Takes approx. 5-10 minutes each.
Dip 1: Shrimp
- 200 g cream cheese
- 1-2 TS sour cream
- 100 – 150 g small shrimps
- 1 small onion, diced
- a dash of Worcestershire sauce
- Salt, pepper, lemon juice to taste
Dip 2. Quark with Herbs
- 250 g quark
- 1 – 2 TS sour cream
- 1 garlic clove, pressed
- 1 small onion, diced
- herbs to taste: basil, parsley, thyme, oregano, you choose
- Salt, pepper to taste
Dip 3: Dried Tomato Dip
- 60 g dried tomatoes in oil
- 200 g cream cheese
- 1 spring onion, cut small
- 1 garlic clove
- 1/2 – 3/4 ts basil
- Salt, pepper, chili flakes to taste
Mash the ingredients with a hand blender. Best left in fridge overnight, but can be served the same day. Serve with vegetable sticks (carrots, celery, zucchini, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, etc.) Taste good on crackers and homemade bread, too.
A combination of cookbook (“Joy of Cooking”!) and experimenting