Where in the world are you?

Calling all 2010ers – we want to find you!

With reunion planning in full swing, it’s so important to make sure that your contact information is up to date. The mini bio you (may have) filled out on the Alumnae Association’s website is the only information your Class Board and the College itself have when it comes to sending out invitations to reunion, keeping you up-to-date on what’s going on, and distributing the Alumnae Quarterly. For many people, the home address you listed as a student is the only one on file.

Your info page is a feature of MHC Connect. There are several ways to access it, all available through the alumnae portal on the MHC website, or by just clicking here. Use the username and password that you created when you first logged in here (different from your MHC email!). If you can’t remember what that password is, just click the link below the login boxes to retrieve it.

While the Alumnae Association website is clunky, it’s worth exploring a bit as there are some good resources on it, including networking opportunities through LifeNet and a calendar of upcoming events.

So again, please update your contact information!