Frosty Furniture in Northampton

Hannah Ryan was just featured alongside Natalie Kulikowski, MHC 2011, in the Gazette for the lovely ice sculpture they created in downtown Northampton as a part of an ice sculpture festival.

“…in front of Urban Outfitters, Natalie Kulikowski, a senior majoring in architectural studies at Mount Holyoke College in South Hadley, was putting the finishing touches on her ice sculpture. She’d created it with Hannah Ryan, who graduated from Mount Holyoke last year.

They’d wanted to make something attractive and functional, Kulikowski said, which led them to ponder furniture. Since it’s Valentine’s Day weekend, they also wanted their work of art to be about love. And there it was – a love seat.

‘Oh, it’s very sittable,’ said Kulikowski, ‘but not for long. Twenty seconds tops.'”

Read the full text here!