Class Communications

We want to reach you!  You will hear from us via the following routes:

Class Letter – sent annually by Class Officers to keep the Class informed of upcoming activities.  View the most recent letters here.

Distribution via email to all classmates with active email addresses on file with the Alumnae Association; For classmates without an email address, a hard copy will be mailed via USPS.  The letter will also be posted to Class social media channels

Class EBlasts: Shorter electronic updates providing information quickly on time-sensitive Class activities.  EBlasts will come from MHC.class.of.1976.  Distribution will be to classmates with an email address on file with the Alumnae Association, and posted to Class social media channels as well.

Class of 1976  Website: Class of 1976’s home base of information, maintained by the Communications team in conjunction with Class Officers.  Verticals Include:

  • General info
  • Class officer profiles and contact info
  • Communications strategy
  • Class By-Laws
  • Dues payment instruction  – 
  • Reunion info (past events and 2026 info, as available)
  • In Memoriam acknowledgements of deceased classmates
  • Details deemed necessary/relevant for the Class

MHC76 Facebook Group: For engagement by both Class officers and MHC76  members. Content posted may be related to Class or college activities, or for classmates to post news or comments. Class Officers regularly monitor Page postings, though they are not responsible for their content and reserve the right to remove inappropriate posts.  News and images posted here may be selected for reposting in our Class Notes in the “Alumnae Quarterly” or on other Class social media channels. 

MHC76 YouTube Channel (MHC1976): This channel hosts Reunion videos, but will soon serve as a placeholder should the Class decide to host meetings or produce video content at a later date.  NOTE:  Under construction.

MHC Quarterly: Class Scribes are responsible for content, and will work with the Communications team to engage classmates, encouraging requests for information and submissions. Class Notes information can be emailed to our Class Scribe, Anne Schneider McNulty.

The Gates: All MHC Alumni soon will be invited to join LinkedIn-inspired online platform that serves as a career network for alums, students, faculty and staff for connecting professionally. The site offers a career directory, industry and affinity groups, plus a job board.

MHC Alumnae Association: Classmates are encouraged to maintain and update contact and profile information in this site, reviewing its options for personal and professional engagement.

Communication Schedule:

In order to ensure communication with classmates is effective and appropriate, timeframes will be associated with each vehicle identified above. The goal: informative content minus being bombarded with too many messages. The table below outlines frequency and/or content updates:

  Annually Quarterly Monthly ± Reunion
Class Letter X      
Class Blasts   X    
Website X X X X
Facebook X X X X
MISC: YouTube       X
MHC Quarterly   X