Class President’s Year-End Letter

Dear Mount Holyoke College Class of 1974, 

This is the year that the Class of 1974 turns 70!!! And that’s our theme throughout this year and beyond, until every classmate has turned that corner, supported by an enthusiastic and dynamic class.
It’s my  honor to share with you the progress made on various class projects during this challenging year. External exigencies have been limiting, but our class spirit and commitment to being together are resilient and strong!


As you know, a time-honored tradition at Mount Holyoke is that our 50threunion class connects with the class that graduates when we gather for reunion, the class of  2024. Usually, the connection begins in the Fall of their freshman year. Unfortunately, we’ve been unable to do any of those in-person meetings or rituals, but Laurie Averill and I have met twice with the 2024 Class Board via zoom about alternative/virtual means of connecting and ways in which 1974 can support 2024 to enhance their college years and best succeed once out ‘in the world’. These are the ideas that our Class Board has blessed and we’re open to more ideas from all of you.

1.  The first thing we did was agree to be interviewed by 2024 Board members about the meaning of our class rings. They shared the videos with their class to enhance ring sales and the 2024 Class budget.

  1. We have invited members of the Class of 2024 to join 1974 classmates at the March 23rd Zoomtails with Bonnie Panson presenting about MHC in the 70s-Jump Back in Time to September 1970. 
  2. We hope to increase the number of our 1974 classmates on The Gates, which is set up to connect/match students and alumnae by interest, with the mission “connect, learn, give back”-1974 can offer mentoring, professional advice, life skills advice, etc. in this manner.
  3. Laurie, as our Social Media Coordinator, will create a subgroup on our Facebook page which will connect directly with the class of 2024.
  4. And we’ll encourage regional MHC Clubs to offer meals and socializing when the students are visiting locations away from MHC.
  5. We have already connected them to The Lynk program where MHC offers every student a paid internship. Although most of our class are not in the position/life stage to offer internships, outreach to local MHC clubs and also the MHC CDC, which has internships in its database, may be a good alternative.


  1. CONNECTING WITH OUR CLASS– getting and staying connected:

The health challenges continue, so our plan for 2022 is this. Once again, following MHC guidelines for dealing with COVID-Omicron, we are not suggesting in-person overnight/multiple day mini-reunions this year.

We will kick off with a Class of ’74 Zoom Birthday Party and have smaller parties by region. Every class member will receive a 70th birthday card from the 1974 Leadership team.

Regional in-person gatherings
I’m going to divide our class list into regions and ask that YOU, our local classmates, volunteer to become ‘point-persons’ for these regional, one day mini-reunions. Obviously, if classmates would like to journey from farther away and to stay overnight at any of these regional gatherings, they will be welcome and will be in charge of setting up their own lodging. Plans are already afoot for Atlanta, New York City and Boston. The committee will support all such events, probably sending a packet with a list of local classmates, organization chart and suggestions for types of parties. 


Thanks to our talented Class of 1974 presenters, we continue to offer truly excellent monthly Zoomtails gatherings. Hats off to Nan Ward and Gail LaRocca for leading us seamlessly into our Fall, 2021 schedule and on into 2022.

In the calendar below are the current plans, and, as you know, reminders will be sent through our class email address, and will also be posted on our Facebook page. PLEASE monitor the Facebook page and our Class of 1974 page for creative ways to get and stay connected, as these dates and topics may shift.

ZOOM MINI-REUNIONS: Many of our classmates have already set up one-time or recurring regional or friend-based zooms. Here are the other ideas that have been shared. Feel free to create your own and let us know about it so that our Social Media Coordinator, Laurie Averill, can share it on Facebook and our class website.   Ideas circulating include: Happy hour gatherings; Book Club; Dorm groups; Shared interest lessons such as cooking/crafting with demos; Affinity groups such as eldercare, career, knitting, sports, travel, etc.

Denise McLeod Thomas and Carole LaMond have broadened the “Make a Friend” Challenge to include an initiative to ‘Deepen a Friendship’ already started with a classmate. Denise suggests that we each write a handwritten note to classmates we feel especially close to…either from our college days or more recently. Questions? Reach Denise at

Marylloyd Claytor and committee members Debra Orgera and Theresa Salerno are putting together a slideshow/video which will include class pictures of classmates who have passed, as well as text and photos from their family and friends. If you have a short quote about a fellow classmate, or photos, please contact

 SOCIAL MEDIA: Laurie continues to post all class-related information. Please visit our Facebook page and our Class of ’74 website, and/or send announcements to

CLASS NOTES: please remember to send your news to our Class Scribe, Marylloyd Claytor, for our Class Notes in the Alumnae newsletter.
We’re not generally a shy class…and we’re doing great things…let’s share them with the MHC world! The upcoming deadline is FEBRUARY 1 for the Spring Quarterly.


Through the end of December, our class has raised more than $750,000 toward our 50th Reunion Gift with 60% of us participating !!!! All gifts made from July 2019 through Reunion in 2024 count as part of our 50thReunion Gift total. This fiscal year (July 1st start) 127 classmates have made gifts/pledges totaling $162,543. THANK YOU!!!

Mark your calendars and watch your snail mail – on Monday, February 28th, the March4MHC participation challenge will return. This year we have five days to show our support for Mount Holyoke. Last year our class received $40,000 in matching money and we want to repeat that this year!

Our awesome Development Co-Chairs would like to thank the 47 Class Volunteers for their efforts – and if you would like to join the team, please reach out to them – Leslie Bowen (, LaVida Dowdell (, Debby Hall ( or Jane Zimmy (

And speaking of giving, please check the list for your name on the Facebook and website pages to be sure your class dues of $50 for 5 years leading up to our 50th reunion, are paid. Thanks!

Here’s our upcoming MHC Class of 1974-related schedule:
February 22, 2022 Elizabeth Marshall “The Myths about Palliative and Hospice Care”
March 23, 2022 Bonnie Panson’s ‘Jump Back in Time to September 1970’ presentation with guests from our Connections Class of 2024
April 19, 2022 Jackie Means “Ranching Life in Rural Texas Meets Blue Origin”

The March4MHC campaigns starts February 28, 2022 and runs through March 4th.

Warmest of wishes for a truly heartwarming Spring,
Melissa L. Thornton
President, Class of 1974

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